Thursday, February 2, 2017

OK. I was just enjoying a}dialouge  by my fave YOUTUBE hero BACKTOCONSTITUTION The Roswell ,Interview with an alien . Basically to encapsulate, its the story of the female nurse who was present upon the us military retrieval of a mysteriously downed  alien craft in Roswell NM . The only surviving ebe communicated telepathically with the human nurse . OK if you are interested or care about who YOU ARE who we are and why we suffer so much in this worldly prison I advise you to start here. Its about the fact that we humans are IMMORTAL SOULS T.HAT HAVE EXISTTED and will exist FOREVER. we have been subjected to mind., and  memory erasure on a spiritual  level that perpetuates the evil, perverted, and soullessly indifferent agenda of the "old empire" The cultures{ for lack of a better word} that existed previously in the tail stars of the big dipper including draco , canus , and also Sirius ,orion  etc.  These moments of my listening through my search for knowledge ,brought me up right outta my bed with the sudden understanding of why and how I came up with the lyrics to the Emerald Law on Dave Grohls Probot record. When I showed him the words I had written he softly pointed on the paper and said ,"yeah this is great " he was referring to the spark of life has no time , verse. I waS AT A LOSS INITIALY FOR A COOL LINE AT THE START OF THE SONG, BUT WEIRDLY ENOUGH , AT THAT TIME I WA STUDYING , THE TRANSLATION OF BABYLONIAN AND Sumerian CUNEIFORM , HENCE THE SPOKEN WORDS AT THE BEGINNINHG OF THE SONG , I DO NOT DIE , BUT AWAKEN , TO THE DREAM I LIVE . tHIS IS ancient BABYLONIAN PROSE, STRAIGHT OFF A FUKKIING STONE, STONERS. My point of this blog being , we need to awaken, search , and overthrow this veil of control. The mystery is none . You are you I am I reflect upon why how and who because we FUKKING Rule ,. love will prevail and hope is WITHIN US   again I don't want to sound like a dime store preacher , but all we have been taught is wrong , distorted or slanted to keep us enslaved. AND WE CONTINUE THE STRUGGLE

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