Friday, February 3, 2017

Hello.Its pretty maddening ,sifting through all the information and disinformation out there in all its forms, but I have always kind of realized you have to follow your gut feelings about what is real. Truth exists for sure , but it is never whole, it is partial,or changed or slanted to keep one confused. I personaly do not trust tv shows especialy modern ones on the subjects of aliens, lost civilizations etc because this is rehash shit so far behind everything I have researched, and its all the same shit. Who are these aliens what do they want , etc. A better source of info I believe is the PATRIOT PHIL SCHNEIDER. There is quite a bit of his actual testimony still out on video on the youtube and in printed publications.As he states so eloquently. "I LOVE MY COUNTRY MORE THAN I LOVE MY OWN LIFE" As indeed he lost his life at the hands of the very government that  years ago he swore to defend and honour. THis could lead one to The Montauk experiments , PROJECT ORION, and also the grisly and horrible PROJECT Pegasus  ,AND THE MODERN DAY MIND CONTROLLED SUPER SOLDIERS. . It leads to the BASIC QUESTION ,why is there all this disinformation? Why cant all the people on this planet know the truth behind other life forms, dna manipulation and the real history of our planet? HMMMM? I for one will keep wondering .

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